Sex toys have long ceased to be something extraordinary. They are able to make a variety of love games and give a lot of pleasant sensations. However, these accessories should be used and care should be taken. Otherwise, you can not only break the sex toy but also harm your own body. Should you be using silicone lube? Yes, you can use but it depends on the type of sex toy you are using.
This axiom needs to be learned by all discoverers of sex toys: when using silicone toys, never use silicone-based lubricant! The reason is that silicone is a very fragile material. At the contact and friction of its two forms, a deformation of the toy occurs. As a result, the accessory not only loses its appearance, but also traumatic damage can occur. In this case, you can only use a water-based lubricant.
If the error with the choice of lubrication still happened, then it is fixable. Silicone lubricant is perfectly washed off with soap and water. If you perceive only silicone-based lubricant, then a condom must be worn on the toy.
The main thing is functionality
Perhaps at first glance, they are similar, but they have an important difference. The vibrator got its name from the main function performed. It is created for vibrating. Some models of vibrators are intended for external use only, others can be used inside.
Faloimitator used exclusively for penetration. Some models of this sex toy are also capable of vibration, but the strength of the vibration, in this case, is weaker and this option can be turned off.
Discard unnecessary embarrassment
“Go to the adult store?” No, this is not for me! ”, – you think and click on the link of the online store of sex toys. Of course, the virtual way of buying is very convenient, especially for shy people. But there is a number of undeniable advantages for a full-time visit to an adult store. Live you can see everything in full size, touch, assess the real quality, as well as listen to practical recommendations of the consultant.
Clean – a pledge of health
The way of using sex toys speaks for itself: this accessory requires special care. Proper maintenance and highest hygiene are fundamental to the long operational life of the toy and its own impeccable health. The store usually offers special products for washing sex accessories, but soap and hot water will be much cheaper. And this pair works no less effectively than specialized gels.
A sex toy should be thoroughly rubbed with soap, rinsed thoroughly under running water, and finally immersed in hot water. First, make sure that there are no batteries or a motor inside the accessory. It is good to wear a condom on the accessory, especially if you have several partners.
Not without a back thought
Everything is new – well forgotten old
Do not rush to throw away or postpone for later a toy that did not meet your expectations about receiving an instant dizzy orgasm. You (and maybe you and your partner) will need a little time to thoroughly study the accessory and believe, your new toy will take its due place in intimate life.
Together more fun!
Prefer to use your favorite sex accessory in splendid isolation or just feel free to show it to your partner? It is in vain! If you trust a partner, then you can invite him to experiment with your favorite accessory together. Believe me; this proposal will inspire even the shyest man.
The main rule of breathtaking sex
Forget about saving! If earlier you avoided sex shops and even scornfully threw your opinion towards such institutions, then reconsider your opinion. It is here on attractive stands you can find sex toys for two that will satisfy your needs. As a last resort, you will have a chance to try something new, and this experience may be invaluable!
Sex toys are needed for those who have no partners or have serious problems. A large number of couples use sex toys for two! They are needed in order to bring fresh and new sensations in intimate life. Gadgets get in 80% of cases, on the contrary, those who do not have any difficulties. Toys help to explore all the erogenous zones of the partner.
Sex toys for two are addictive.
Such devices are completely harmless! There is a small nuance: if girls too often use the same vibrator, then her genitals get used to it and become less sensitive. This may adversely affect sexual intimacy with a real man. However, with the optimal approach, sex toys for two will benefit!
She has a toy! A man is no longer needed.
Even if a sexy gadget resembles the exact forms of male or female genital organs – it can never replace the “original”! Yet nature is nature. To use the inventions of mankind both together and alone with you will not hurt!
The more expensive the better!
Your toys are a perversion!
A small share of debauchery in the bedroom between two loving hearts is not a crime. On the contrary – it is completely normal. This is especially true of couples who have been together for a long time. Such relationships need some innovations!